
Disclaimer for the site (archetypmarket.io)

Before using any information/link/graphic/content on this website, you must read and agree 100% to this disclaimer.

This website, and its creators aren’t promoting the use of Archetyp Market. Using Archetyp Market for buying/selling illegal goods is an act of crime. No information on this website should be used to get involved in any illegal activity on Archetyp Market, including but not limited to, trade of illegal goods.

Any and all of your actions, including registration, fund deposits, and trade of any goods (both legal and illegal) will 100% be your own responsibility.

This website and its creators have verified neither the legitimacy of the marketplace, nor of its vendors.

This website and its creators will not be liable to any damages, be it legal, financial or of any other nature arising from a direct or indirect result of this website. This website is purely to be used for educational purposes. No real-world or practical use is suggested, indicated or encouraged.