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Archetyp Market Links

Archetyp Market URL & Archetyp Market Link is a drugs market based only on XMR with a 5-year uptime!

Preface to Archetyp Market Review 2023

On our website you will find the URL to access Archetyp Market!

I invite the distinguished guest of our website to familiarize himself with the first in-depth analysis of Archetyp Market, the results of which will shed light on the positive and negative features of this darknet market.

The value judgments that we broadcast in this review of Archetyp Market are our private opinion, in this regard, we recommend that you get your own experience of interacting with Archetyp Market Link (Onion URL) and rethink the contents of this review with a personally acquired analytical base.

Aren't you new to the vast darknet markets? Take a look at the list of markets that we associate with the hero of our review, among them you will surely find your favorite, this will allow you to look at the Archetyp market from a different angle, the list looks like this: Asap Market.

Are you seeing the darknet market for the first time? We will be honored to be your personal guide, to begin with, we recommend paying attention to the “Blogs” section of our website, where you will find step-by-step guides on how to do something on Archetyp Market and thereby get a basic idea of how this market works in particular and how the DNM scene works in general features.

Please note: We do not support or encourage buying or selling on the Darknet. The products you buy and sell may be illegal or morally unacceptable. We have not verified the legality or authenticity of the products being bought or sold.

Be Safe with Archetyp Market!

How to access Archetyp Market?

Everyone wants to have a secure environment to access the darknet market, so we suggest performing a number of manipulations with the configuration of your Tor Browser in order to have complete privacy on Archetyp Market.

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Are you an absolute layman and have no idea where to start? Here is a list of what you need to do in order to access the Archetyp Market:

Download NordVPN. (Third-party verified and vetted “no log” policy/ specialized “onion over VPN” servers/ Panama-based/ <$3.50/month).
Launch your NordVPN app and select any country that’s not your own country.
Only then you should launch or download TOR browser.
On TOR, make sure your safety settings are set to “safest” (options > privacy and security > “safest”).

The above measures are enough to have basic anonymization of traffic for safe surfing on darknet markets.

About Design and User Interface!

Does the Archetyp Market look good?

The design of the pages and user interface of Archetyp Market is the main highlight of this market, thanks to the fantastic design and convenience of the interface, buyers around the world enjoy pleasant purchases, it is necessary to notice that the appearance and interface of this market is compared with Tochka Market, this is not far from the truth, the administration of Archetyp itself claims that it drew inspiration from other markets and, rather in all, it was their main favorite.

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Archetyp Market has a really simple interface and an attractive design in which anyone can navigate and use it. It is divided into the upper panel, the left work area, the central screen and the footer.

The upper panel contains the main navigation buttons that lead you to the main sections of the trading platform, such as: Home (quickly go to the main page), Market (allows you to display listings and use a search engine), Forum (a place where you can discuss everything related to the market and some general issues), Orders (a page for view your orders), Disputes (a page for viewing your disputes), Messages (a page for viewing your messages).

In the right part of the upper panel, the navigation buttons are made in the form of icons that you can click on, here are what icons are presented there and which sections they will lead you to: Shoping Cart, Your Profile (it will allow you to look at your profile as it is seen by other market users), Your Favorite Listings (a page for viewing ads that you have marked as favorites), Wallet (this is the page of your wallet, here you get a deposit address and a withdrawal form), Help / Support (section for getting FAQ and creating tickets), Settings (section for setting up an account), Logout (is not a partition, but will allow you to log out of your account).

The left panel on various market pages is reserved for different blocks with their own unique tasks, we will look at the left panel for the main page and the Market page, let's start with the first one: Dashboard (a panel for displaying the current balance of your market wallet and displaying the exchange rate). On the Market page, the left area is reserved for: Search Options (a panel for searching and sorting search results), Categories (panel for easy navigation by product categories) and Wallet / Exchange Rate.

The central area of the screen on each page of the market is reserved for what needs to attract the user's attention, since we are looking at only the main page and the market page, let's talk about what is allocated to the central area on these pages.

On the main page, the central area is reserved for navigation buttons that will allow you to quickly get to pages such as: Marketplace, Favotires, Refferal, Games, Vendorstores, ArcheWiki, Wallet, Settings and Helpdesk.

The central area on the Market page is devoted to products from some of the most reliable vendors with the best reviews and reviews, there will also be displayed those products that you are looking for using a search engine or sorting by product category.

The last element of the interface that you need to pay attention to is the footer, it is an additional navigation panel and demonstrates market statistics (Users, Vendors, Listings, Banned), and also as a decorative element randomly demonstrates quotes from great philosophers that looks colorful and unusual.

It would be useful for each reader to take a look at the design and interface of Archetyp Market on their own to form their own opinion on its convenience and attractiveness, but we will not stop there and continue our review!

Start your journey on Archetyp!

Creating an account in Archetyp Market

Archetyp Market requires an account in its system in order to be able to use the main functions of the market, the dependence on the account here is at the most exorbitant level, this is the case when you can't even look at the goods without logging into the account, in this regard, let's look at the process of account registration.

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When you first go to the market, you are greeted by a white screen, with a simple captcha. It looks like below, although of course different numbers each time.

Fill in the six numbers in the white box as I did.

Then click on the circle that is broken. Sometimes they can mix and lie on top of each other but look carefully and you will find the broken one. In the image below I have dialed it, click on it-the circle that is broken is the button, you press it instead of a button that says ”submit” or similar.

This system of clicking in the Broken Circle constantly returns on Archetyp, so get used to it.

One difference is that in Archetyp Market you have a username to log in, and another username that is visible to others. The reason for that is certainly that it should be more difficult for hackers to know which login is used for your account. Another tricky thing that we explained a little above, before you get it, is that you don't click on a ”sign in” button, but on the little white circle that is broken. See image below for further examples.

Display name is therefore your visible username for e.g. vendors, while Login name is the username you will use when logging in in the future.

In addition to your password, you also enter a PIN code of 4 characters up to 16, which is then entered, for example, when withdrawing the balance. On archetype, even buyers can withdraw balances, unlike Flugsvamp 3.0

In the referral, you can fill in: WjU4dl - but this is optional.

It can sometimes be difficult to see which of the circles is broken, as for example in the picture above. But the worst thing that can happen is that you have to try a few times extra.

  • We are being chosen!

    Archetyp is recognized by the entire community as a market of high rank and trust.

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  • We are growing fast!

    The number of new Vendors and Listings is growing rapidly every day.

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  • We are attractive!

    Critics' ratings won't let you lie, every second user speaks enthusiastically about our design.

    Get started

About Design and User Interface!

Product Categories in Archetyp Market

The policy of placing listing on Archetyp Market is aimed only at drugs, which means that you can find drugs only in this market, and the number of ads will not impress you, one of the main features of this market is a strict policy regarding the selection of vendors, which negatively affects the number of listings, but positively responds to their quality.

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Since we mentioned the fact that Archetyp is a market focusing only on drugs, we will only analyze categories related to this type of product, if you are looking for digital goods here, then you are doomed to failure, this market prohibits digital goods and does not have a single category related to them.

The categories (and subcategories) hosted on Archetyp Market include:

Cannabis (Hash, Concentrates, Edibles, Seeds, Shake & Cuttings, Synthetic, Prerolled, e-Liquids, Buds & Flowers, Other)
Stimulants (Cocaine, Crack, Speed, Meth, Adderall, Pills, Other)
Ecstasy (MDA, Methylone, MDMA, Pills, Other)
Opiates (Pills, Heroin, Opiate substitutes, Kratom)
Benzodiazepines (Research chemicals, Pills, Powder, Other)
Psychedelics (LSD, DMT, Mescaline, LSA, DMA, DO-x, nBome, 2C-X, Mushrooms, Other)
Prescriptions (Vicodin, Simvastatin, Lisinopril, Levothyroxine, Azithromycin, Metformin, Lipitor, Amlodipine, Other)
Steroids (Catabolic, Anabolic)
Dissociatives (Ketamine, MXE, GHB, Other)

Due to the limited number of vendors on the market, some subcategories are few or do not have the appropriate size in comparison with other markets. Some of the most popular categories (for example, Cannabis) contain many ads in their subcategories. For instance, Hash has 126 listings as of present, and Buds & Flowers has 200. You can pretty much find what you’re looking for by simply using the filter options to the left of the listing display. However, if you are too specific, your filter will give zero results. This is likely to remain a problem until Archetyp Market manages to attract a significant number of new vendors.

Finally, we will mention the number of all listings on the Archetyp Market for a specific idea of the size of the market, the total number of listings is: 1111

About Security on Archetyp!

Security Features in Archetyp Market

In the darknet, the issue of security, situation control and anonymity has always been on the agenda, in the recent past, the CIA gave the world the concept of the Tor network and it shocked and surprised everyone, in today's realities, when people are faced with the arrests of well-known darknet market administrators or ordinary vendors, they want to have more security, a better level of anonymity and make sure that they are under reliable protection, let's see what Archetyp Market can offer us for our protection.

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From the very beginning, Archetyp Market has been focused on providing the maximum level of security for its users in a format that has partially complicated the measured shopping in this market.

Deleting an Account = accounts can be deleted at any time in the settings. No questions asked.

Only Monero for Deposit = the largest and most recognized privacy coin is used as the only currency for depositing and paying on Archetyp Market.

Anti-Phishing Jail = the complex of protection against phishing attacks has significantly reduced the number of victims of mitm attacks and provided its users with confidence that they use the real URL and their coins and data in safety.

Two-Factor Authentication = you can enable this feature in /settings page to secure your user account, so if the system detects a valid pgp public key stored in your profile, it will ask you to decrypt the message that will contain the authorization code, only after you specify it, you will be able to log in. so make sure you have a private key equivalent to a public key in a secure location.

Reset PIN/Pass = in case you lose your account password or pin-code, you can restore access to it using Monero TXID (Less than 7 days old).

PGP Encrypted Messages = is a feature that allows you to encrypt your messages in such a way that no third party can intercept the message and decrypt its contents. Archetyp Market not only recommends PGP encryption, but also provides an automatic online checkbox that can be set to encrypt messages.

Automatic Logout = is a simple but convenient security feature that automatically logs you out after a couple of hours of inactivity on the website, this ensures that no order will be placed in your absence or your account will not be abused in any way.

Standard and Full Escrow = standard escrow guarantees that funds will not be transferred to the vendor until the transaction is confirmed, this is the opposite of an early termination, and while FE is useful and fast, standard escrow is much more secure.

Auto-Withdrawal = this function can be setup on the /settings page, you enter your own wallet and a threshold, whenever the threshold is reached, all your XMR on the market will be sent out to the wallet. I'm sure this can make things a lot easier for vendors.

We can continue this list further, but we will abandon this because we will delve into the area of private details related to our backend, but in general we believe that the above is more than enough to understand our approach to user security and find all the most common security features in one place, and this is very important. the place of the Archetyp Market.

Search Engine Features!

Search Listings in Archetyp Market

The size and recognition of any darknet market depends on the simplicity and convenience of the search engine, a reasonable question is brewing, how is a good search engine in Archetyp Market? Let's examine it and try to answer this question honestly.

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Search term = in this field, you enter a keyword by which the search engine will filter the search results, unfortunately, two words with the same meaning when used as a keyword can affect the search results and provide you with different search results.

Vendor = by selecting username from the vendor list on Archetyp Market, you will set the exact boundary of the search area, in simple language, the search for the keywords you set will occur according to the listings of the vendor you selected.

Category = by choosing a category, you coordinate the search engine in which area it is necessary to conduct search operations, I am sure that you understand what's what without explanation.

Source / Destination = it is often very important for buyers where the product was produced and where it can be delivered, these two search filters will help you find those products that meet the location criteria specified in these parameters and the possibility of delivery to the location you specified.

Min. amount = here you specify the minimum price threshold that the search engine should rely on in order to give you a search result with a price not lower than the one specified in this parameter.

Unit = by choosing a unit of measurement, for example (Grams, Kilograms or Pill), you will simplify your search at times, I advise you to take a closer look at this filter.

From / To Price = this filter allows you to set the price range for the listings you are looking for, it is very convenient and recommended to use.

To some, this search engine may seem shortened due to the lack of some filters, but we believe that the filters available now are more than enough to send the most accurate search query and quickly find what you are looking for, but if there is a need to add new filters, for example, because of the numerous requests of our users we will do it immediately, but for now everything remains as it is.

Buying Products on Archetyp!

Creating an Order Archetyp Market

The purpose of visiting the darknet market in the vast majority of cases is to purchase products, the process of purchasing products is associated with each customer of the market and needs a review from our side, let's find out what manipulations need to be done to purchase products on the Archetyp Market.

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As for placing an order on Archetyp, the process is quite simple, and there are no special features available in terms of order options (such as multisig BTC, "Direct Payment" or alternative escrow options).

All payments on orders are automatically completed within 7-14 days, and it looks like this is a replacement for the Finalize Early system. This may make it a little difficult to challenge the order, and you should keep the order open if possible if it takes more than 7-14 days to receive it. The idea here is that all vendors should be competent enough to deliver the order within 7 days of placing the order, although this, of course, rarely corresponds to what actually happens.

As soon as you find the product you want to purchase, click on the "Buy Product" button on the product description page. Then select the quantity of the item you want to purchase to go to the next screen, which looks something like this:

Here you can see what your order will look like and how much it will cost. Please note that in order to complete the purchase, at least the amount of XMR must be indicated on your balance. You can change the quantity here by changing the number next to the “time(s)” if necessary, and then select the desired delivery option. Scrolling down opens a text box with delivery information:

Archetyp Market makes it very easy to encrypt your delivery information using the provider's PGP key, so there's no reason not to. Just click on the associated “(Vendor Name here) PGP key” displayed directly below the text field. Clicking on this link will open the provider's PGP key, which can then be imported into your PGP utility (using the certificate import function). Encrypt the delivery information using the vendor's key, and then paste the encrypted content into the appropriate text field. We recommend that you always encrypt the delivery information yourself. It's easy to do, and there's no reason not to.

Finally, click on the broken circle to enter the captcha to continue. Your order will not be sent to the supplier, who will start preparing it for delivery, and payment for the order will be deducted from your account balance. You can check the status of your order again at any time. Suppliers are advised to ship all accepted orders as soon as possible, especially if the payment is completed within 7 days.

As we mentioned earlier, you may not have much success in challenging an order if you don't receive it during the completion period and it will automatically end, so be sure to keep in touch with the supplier and inform the market that you haven't received it, so funds won't be credited until the order is completed.

Most vendors know that reputation is everything when dealing with the darknet, and many will take the extra steps necessary to communicate with their buyer to make sure they have a positive experience, so give them the benefit of the doubt if a dispute arises that will take extra time to resolve. In short, patience sometimes makes a big difference.

Archetyp Market wants to embrace every user of our market, but are you sure that your level of erudition in using our market is enough?

Conclusion About Archetyp Market

End of Review

Archetyp is a drugs-only, XMR-only darknet market that was launched in May 2020. The market currently features about 850 listings from 247 vendors, which renders it a large-sized darknet market. It uses the old-fashioned account wallet and escrow system, which means there are no direct pay or multisig options. Because Archetyp Market is a drug-only market, it is much simpler and easy to navigate than most others. We appreciate the night theme for the website background; the website itself being both graphically pleasing and well-constructed.

In all, Archetyp seems like a well-designed, almost revolutionary darknet marketplace in that they are recreating the experience from the ground up in some ways. In other ways, like their central account wallet system and lack of sophisticated payment options, they remain a bit antiquated. This means the potential for exit scam is higher at Archetyp than most others, which may explain the reason why their growth has been rather slow, and why many subcategories remain void of listings.

In short, unless you’re looking for weed, stimulants or psychedelics, you might be disappointed at the lack of selection Archetyp Market has to offer. For now, growth of the market seems to be slower than a lot of up-and-coming competitors, but the recent changes to Archetyp (such as the acceptance of a multitude of other cryptos and advanced finalization procedures) may help it gain more traction in the near future.

If for some reason you deem it necessary, Archetyp Market makes it quite easy to delete user accounts – a feature not necessarily common among darknet markets. Archetyp really does go out of their way to demonstrate commitment to the overall success of each user experience, which they realize is what ultimately will lead the market itself to long-term success.